General Infomration:
Travel By Maya provides travel guides, recommendations and tips that are accurate to my (Maya) knowledge and experience. These tips and information are based of my personal experience. I take no responsibility for recommending a place/attraction/hotel/apartment/airline that you used/visited and didn’t enjoy.
The term “you” refers to anyone who uses, visits and views this website.
By visiting and using this website, you accept and agree to be bound by this Disclaimer and Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the website constitutes your acceptance of future changes and updates to this Disclaimer.
You must not access or use the website if you do not wish to be bound by this Disclaimer.
General Disclaimer
All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. As written above, all information written in this website is accurate to my knowledge and personal experience.
Affiliate Links
I may partner with other businesses or become part of different affiliate marketing programs whose products or services may be promoted or advertised on the website in exchange for comissions and/or financial rewards when you click and/or purchase those products or services through the affiliate links used in this website.
All opinions written in this website are 100% my own. I will never recommend a product/service I don’t fully believe in. With that being said, I do not take any responsibility if you are not satisfied with the product/service you’ve purchased through my website.
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associats Program, which is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
These affiliate or third party relationships in my website in no way compromise the itegrity of the content, information and services that are being presented to you here.
You are under no obligation to click on these affiliate links to purchase those products or services being offered. These affiliate programs were carefully selected, based on personal experiences and preferences.
Although I provide these affiliate links on my website for your convenience, I have no control over these external websites and they are sloley responsible for their own content and information presented.
I have no responsibility for any content presented on these external website and for any damages resulting from them.
Copyrights Disclaimer
All content posted in my website is 100% mine unless I said otherwise. Especially pictures used in my website are mine, unless i’ve said otherwised or used non copyrighted pictures from different stock images websites.
You are not allowed to use my pictures without my promission. If I do agree, you must give credit to my website (travel-by-maya.com).
Sponsored Posts Disclaimer
I may include sponsored blog posts on my website for different products or services I recommend after using it first.
I share this information to help you, and expose you to interesting and helpful services/products. But, I don’t take any responsibility if you didn’t like the product or service or if you had a bad experience with it.
Travel Planning Service
As a travel planner I build and plan your trip to different destinations around the world. I haven’t been everywhere, and I may plan you a trip to a place I personally still didn’t visit.
In that case I do my research online, consult with other travel planners/travelers and give you the best information that is known to mine and others knowledge.
If you are visiting a destination I did visit, all recommendations are based on my own experience and tips.
In both cases – I do not take any responsibility if you didn’t enjoy an attraction, had a bad experience in a restaurant I recommend or don’t like the hotel/airline I recommended staying/using.
Limitation Of Liability
You agree that under no circumstances, you experssly agree that your use of the website is at your sole risk and that you are solely responsible for the accuracy of the personal and any information you provide, outcome of your actions, personal and business results, and for all other use in connection with the website.
You also agree that me, Maya, am not responsible any errors or omissions on the website, delay or denial of any products or services, failure of performance of any kind, interruption in the operation and your use of the website, website attacks including computer virus, hacking of information, and any other system faillurs.
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You agree that we provide not express or implied guarantees to you for the content presented here, and you accept that no particular promises are being promised to you here.
I am allowed to change or update this Disclaimer at any time.